Spencer and I are just three days apart, so needless to say, we usually have quite the birthday celebrations. This year it started out Thursday night when I went to dinner with my parents, Dave, and Sheridan. We went to Winger's and had a fun time. (We missed Spencer though.)
I woke up Friday morning (my b-day) to breakfast in bed and lots of awesome presents from Spencer. We hung out in Salt Lake that afternoon and then went to the Jazz game (thanks Mom and Dad), where they lost to the T-Wolves by 1 point! Boo! I had a ridiculously good Red Mango yogurt though. It is my newest love.
Saturday we went shopping for Spencer and bought him some new golf shoes for his b-day. Sunday we had a roarin' party at the Richins' home. We had our favorite meal (porcupine meatballs) and an amazing strawberry cake. (thanks Marsha) Everyone gave us way too many gifts.
Today is Spencer's birthday. We started out by going to McDonald's for breakfast and got their amazing McGriddle sandwiches. Spencer then went up to Rose Park and played 27 holes of golf with Ben. I don't think he could have asked for a better present than that. He got to sport his new golf shoes and use the new golf club that my parents gave him. Tonight we went out to eat at Braza Grill. It was so good and we even got to use one of our many giftcards we got for our birthdays. (thanks Doug and Carol)
Next Sunday is the Bitner birthday celebration/Easter Sunday, where we get to choose our favorite meal cooked by Mamabit. I don't know if this birthday thing will ever end- but hey, I'm not complaining. Oh and my mom and dad gave me my gift a few weeks ago- a sewing machine of my very own!! I am so excited, now I just need to learn how to sew :) Thanks everyone for all the gifts and for making us feel so special on our birthdays!!