November 6, 2008

1st Place

Today was the final weigh in for Farewell to Fat. There were two categories throughout the competition. One was weight lost and the other was points earned. (you earn points for losing weight, the food challenge, your food journal, etc.) We won 1st place for having the most points earned throughout!!! We won second place for the most weight lost!! We lost 25.5 pounds all together. I am so proud of our team. Way to go blue team!! We all got $20 gift certificates to a salon and spa and gift cards for free smoothies. There was also a raffle where I won a water bottle. This was a really fun thing to do with everyone on our team. I am glad we did it, but I am also glad it is over. I was getting really sick of writing down everything I ate. Dairy Queen Blizzard here I come!!


The Ostlers said...

I am so proud of you guys! I think you all definitely deserve blizzards... I would not have been able to eat all of those vegetables every day. Great job :)

Megan said...

We're pretty awesome, aren't we? I totally went to dinner at Texas Roadhouse and ate all the BBQ I could in celebration! :)

Natalie said...

Nat...congrats on your win! How fun, was this with a group at school? Wish I was there to get a blizzard with you!

mamabit said...

This was a really great thing for me to do! Thanks for inviting me. I always looked forward to seeing you on Wednesday nights. I must say I didn't always look forward to standing on the scale. I was so excited when you called and told me that we had won! Yea! Blue team!

Addie May said...

I could sure lose 25.5 pounds! Way to go guys!! It was fun to see you at Michelle's wedding. Next week we can eat all the pie at grandma's that we want and say "It's Thanksgiving" all we want too! I'm so freakin' excited. oh, and we'll also be able to analize the Twilight movie too! yeah!