November 21, 2008

Twilight at Midnight

Yes, it's true... I went to the midnight showing of Twilight and it was so fun!! Thanks Em for inviting me to go. We went to CPK for dinner and then went up to Hot Topic and took some funny pictures.
So as far as the movie goes, I wasn't excepting much- so it was actually pretty good!! I won't give too much away, but I will tell you that I thought Edward was kind of awkward in some parts, but oh well. He's not supposed to be quite human anyway. There were a few parts where me and Em just had to laugh at it. Actually, the movie really made me excited to read the books again. I am excited to see it again in the next few days with my mom and sisters.

I have to say that I was debating on whether to post these pictures or not cause they are way cheesy and we were 100% kidding. So as long as you know that I am not one of those crazy's.... I'll post them. Oh, and there were plenty of crazy's there, believe me. Also, I do realize that I am wearing the same sweatshirt as the night before, but what can I say... it's new and it's comfy!

Spencer is a way better kisser, believe me!!

I love this Paramore song!! I was bummed that it only played during the credits.


Megan said...

What? I had no idea that you were one of those crazed Twilight fanatics! :) Just teasing...
I love the cheesy pictures. I wonder how many 13-year-old girls will have similar pictures posted on their blogs... in all seriousness.
At least it was an experience, right?

Shaylee said...

I'm just so glad you posted those funny! I'm excited to finally see it!

Natalie said...

Looks like lots of fun...we are going tonight to see the movie, so I hope I'm not too disappointed. Then again, the movies never do the books justice. I think they could have chosen a better looking Edward. He's not nearly as good looking as I had him pictured in my mind! I hope you enjoy it more the second time round.

The Ostlers said...

I think I will go in with the same attitude of not very high expectations, and then I think I will enjoy it much more! Where did you get that sweatshirt by the way? Way cute :)

mamabit said...

I'm glad you guys had so much fun. Wow, it has been an exciting week for you. By the way, Spencer is better looking than Edward! I would like to see the movie but I think I'll wait until it's not so crazy.

Unknown said...

Did Bella seem like a lesbian to you? Strange casting choice.

Addie May said...

HOLY FUNNY PICTURES! I am laughing my head off! You'll have to check out my blog when you get the time and read my experience that night of the midnight showing. I had quite the night! I loved the movie the more I saw it, but I agree with you that Eddie is a little strange in places. But talk about a kiss. WOW.