August 15, 2008

Happy Birthday Elder Bitner

Gotta love that 6 month mark and the burning of a tie
Silly Daniel (as Lucas would say) A quick look inside the life of an office missionary
Cold but still Optomistic!
Can you believe these are hedges??? Amazing, huh!

Dan's birthday isn't till the 24th, but I just miss him so much, so to fill the void (as much as possible) I thought I would post some pictures of my silly bro. on his mission. I love the pictures he sends in his emails, he just looks so dang excited in every single one of his pictures. I am so glad he is having a good time. He has been an office missionary for over 3 months and that can get hard sometimes, I'm sure. But this past week his mission president asked him if he would be willing to leave the office for 3 weeks and just be a normal missionary for that time. He was so pumped!! I am so glad he will be able to be out if the field on his birthday!! Dan- although we all miss you so much, you are such a great missionary and we love hearing about all your awesome experiences in Denmark. The church is true- keep spreading the good news!! We love you!


Joanna said...

nat- I need to call you and tell you stories ;) Congrats on the new job that sounds exciting!

Joanna said...
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mamabit said...

I love the photos of MY MISSIONARY!! He is so handsome and such a hard worker. I miss him and love to look at anything that reminds me of him. I am such a proud mother. Happy B-day Dan. You are the Best.

haley said...

congrats on the new job, sounds fun and different from teaching. It's too bad we don't see you guys enough even though you are so close! Thats where blogs come in I guess! Have fun, Haley