December 31, 2008

Who Wears Short Shorts??

Kim, Brenn, and Rich came into town for the holidays, so we all decided to get together last night. Needless to say, it lasted till the early hours of the morning, 3 am, and the guys got a little crazy. We had a fun time watching old high school videos courtesy of Jason, singing, and laughing. 


The Ostlers said...

Those pictues are rather disturbing, but it doesn't surprise me. They were always doing nasty things like that in the old days!

Brian&Em said...

If only Daisy Duke could see those photos. Lookin' good!

Dawni and Zach said...

Spencer really likes that shirt, I see. ;)

Megan said...

Ha! NICE pictures! People tend to get a little crazy after 1 am... it's always a good idea to have a camera around. :)

Addie May said...

Tell Spencer that those are some dang sexy legs he has! You asked about a good book and I have one for you...SO is called City of Bones by Cassandra Clare. It's book one of a three book series and I love it. I love it almost as much as I love Twilight and that is really saying something!! It's Urban Fantasy and I just love the way it is written. It's also a love story which I am a sucker for. You should read it! Let me know if you do!