July 6, 2008


I am proud to say the I finally finished The Host yesterday! I was on pg. 50 for about 2 weeks, but then when I decided I needed to get reading, I couldn't put it down. Ask Spencer, I took the book everywhere with me. I loved it. If you haven't read it or you're stuck in the first part of the book, don't give up- it is really so good. I love how believable she makes her weird book topics. Now I am reading The Twilight Series over again before the 4th book comes out. I am going with Addie May, Spencer's cousin, on August 1st at midnight to pick up my copy of the book- along with all the other crazies out there!! If anyone wants to come with us, just call and reserve your copy and then let me know. Stephenie Meyer is such a great writer, Wow!


Shaylee said...

OOO...I'm so glad you liked it! I've been waiting for someone to say it is good so I can decided whether or not to read it. Wahoo for a new book to read!

Menlove Family said...

Ahh! I'm so glad you said something because I'm like half way through and not loving it but not hating it either. I guess I'll keep going!!